Pangea Talent Solutions / Case Studies /

Executive Search – Renewables Leadership Team

Market: Renewables

Service: Executive Search

Region: Europe, North America

“After the IPO, there was a need for rapid international expansion for solar and wind generation development platforms in Ireland, Turkey and USA.”

  • Our client required a team that was capable of developing solar and wind assets within their respective locations. With the variety of locations and skill sets required, Innogy needed help identifying the CEO and core leadership team members, including; development acquisition, finance, engineering and construction professionals. Due to the nature of the roles, our client required a trusted partner to meet their aggressive company requirements, to enable them to be in a position to invest billions of euros into solar and wind generation assets.

  • Pangea Talent Solutions provided an Executive Search function in order to find these individuals. This service included; headhunting, relationships building/stakeholder management, salary guides, full company behaviour analysis to ensure a good company fit, full qualification process, needs analysis, and shortlists. This thorough search, with a dedicated team, was crucial in order for Pangea to find the leaders who would be essential to the business's success.


    The account management style consultancy approach allowed Innogy and Pangea to work in close partnership, to place a number of senior professionals within the team.

  • Through the Executive Search service, Pangea placed the CEO in Turkey, Ireland and the USA, as well as the core leadership team: development acquisition, finance, engineering and construction professionals.


    Within one year, they saw an 18% employee growth, and within two years this increased by 27%. This growth enabled them to carry out their international expansion plans for solar and wind development platforms in Ireland, Turkey and the USA – allowing them to meet timelines, within budget.


    As Innogy expands globally, Pangea continues to work closely alongside them, providing a number of services in order to help grow and strengthen their company.

Meet the Team Leader
